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4 tips to always find the ideal Airbnb for your stay

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4 tips to always find the ideal Airbnb for your stay

Leisure travel may be quite limited due to the special circumstances, but we know that the plans for future trips never stop. One of the primary issues that concerns most of us during travel planning is accommodation. Choosing an Airbnb is not always an easy procedure.

Generally, searching for short-term rental of apartments and other spaces requires a lot of time and energy. After all, staying in the right apartment, with all the necessary amenities, can offer an even greater sense of contentment in your vacation.

But what should you pay attention to before booking your stay? The following tips will help you to always choose the ideal Airbnb, according to your needs and desires, no matter the reason you travel.

1.  Book your apartment early

The earlier you start searching for accommodation, the better. Obviously, we are not referring to circumstances in which the trip is only arranged a few days in advance. But when you have enough time at your disposal to search, use it productively!

Booking well in advance means you have more options to choose from. You can find apartments in many more areas, where the best sights and the most beautiful neighborhoods are located. In addition, the price range is wider so you can choose the Airbnb that best fits your budget.

When having extra time for accommodation search, do not forget to read in detail all the information available about the amenities and services offered, to contact the owner for further information and to specify the method of payment.

2. Give new entries a chance

New entries often hide some great apartments that are easy to miss out on! You usually avoid the choice of a new entry because the lack of reviews, information and photos can trick you into thinking that this is not a choice that will eventually satisfy your needs.

A good way to make sure that the accommodation is decent  is to contact the owner and confirm even the slightest information you may have read online. Also, new listings are often value for money options, since they constantly have price offers to attract new visitors.

3. Pictures are not everything

The first thing that captures your interest when searching for an Airbnb is definitely its photos. A very well furnished and decorated apartment definitely goes in your top choices for accommodation.

However, photos can easily fool you. At the sight of a beautiful apartment you can easily forget to check if it offers the basic amenities and services or if it is located in a neighborhood convenient for your trip.

Also, we often avoid booking Airbnbs that do not have enough quality photos. But sometimes it turns out that, even without good photos, an Airbnb can be a great choice for your stay!

4. Use the “Favorites” List

If you belong to those who are looking constantly, in all websites and apps, for finding the right apartment to stay, then the favorites list is a very valuable tool.

Before making a reservation, you can create a list of your favorite Airbnb apartments and rooms. This will give you the opportunity to organize your choices and make an easier comparison of the spaces and their amenities. 

In addition, having saved an apartment in the favorites list, gives you the opportunity to have a close eye on the price fluctuations and offers provided, thus booking your accommodation at a better price!

So, the next time you start choosing an apartment for your trip, keep in mind those 4 tips that will help you make the ideal reservation. We hope the time you press the “Book Now” button again will arrive sooner or later!
